勞工業務常用雙語詞彙 瀏覽人數: 94人 勞工業務常用雙語詞彙 中 文英 文備考 求才登記 Recruitment Registration 求職登記 Placement Registration 求才企業廠商/雇主 Employer 求職者 Job Applicants 提供就業資訊 Employment Information 職業訓練 Vocational training 就業服務法 Employment Service Act 私立就業服務機構(仲介) Private Employment Service Agency 外國人 Foreign Person 勞基法 Labor Standards Law 勞動契約 Labor contract 資遣費 Severance payment 正常工時 Regular working hours 加班費 Overtime wages 退休 Retirement 職業災害補償 Compensation for occupational accidents 工作規則 Work rules 平均工資 Average wage 勞動部 Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan 勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所 Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Ministry of Labor 勞動部職業安全衛生署 Occupation Safety and Health Administration, Ministry of Labor 勞工安全衛生教育訓練 Labor safety and health education and training 勞工健康檢查 Labor Health Examination 職業災害 Occupational Accident 職業疾病 Occupational Diseases 自主化管理 Autonomous management 輔助勞工建購住宅貸款 The Loan for Assisting the Labor to Build or Buy Houses 輔助勞工修繕住宅貸款 The Loan for Assisting the Labor to Repair Houses 勞工福利 Labor Welfare 職工福利金 Employees’ Welfare Fund 職工福利委員會 Employees’ Welfare Committee 福利設施 Welfare Facilities 勞工服務中心 Labor Service Center 志願服務 Volunteer Service 勞工教育 Labor Education 勞工育樂中心 Labor Entertainment Center 申請協調 Apply for negotiation 申請調解 Apply for conciliation 勞工訴訟輔助 Labor litigation aid 大量解僱勞工保護法 The Protective Act for Mass Redundancy of Employees 勞資爭議 Labor disputes 五一勞動節 51 labor Day 職業工會 Trade union 理事長 Routine director 監事會召集人 Routine supervisor 工會章程 Trade union regulation